Creative Possibilities

"The human hand, so delicate and so complicated, not only allows the mind to reveal itself but it enables the whole being to enter into special relationships with its environment... man 'takes possession of his environment with his hands.' His hands, under the guidance of his intellect transform this environment and thus enable him to fulfill his mission in the world." ~ Maria Montessori ⁣⁣⁣

As guides, we want to provide experiences for children to bring them into contact with each area of art. The elements of art are line, shape, form, color, and texture. These elements can be found everywhere and are found explicitly in the Sensorial materials. The elements of art are experienced everywhere in daily life. There are, however, special ties and activities when we focus on them in the classroom. Children need to experience the different media we can use in art, and we will provide the possibility of these experiences in the classroom.

Art Workshops, Lesson Book, and more…