Parenting Workshops, videos, and more…

"If freedom is understood as letting the children do as they like, using or more likely misusing, the things available, it is clear that their 'deviations' are free to develop; their abnormalities will increase." ~ Maria Montessori ⁣⁣⁣

LEADERSHIP Parenting workshops with Michele & Jim Aspinall

The Aspinalls will provide invaluable guidance to reinforce the importance of parents re-claiming a leadership role in raising their children. “It’s become counter-cultural,” says the Aspinalls, “to expect a child to defer to the parent’s leadership. Rather, we’ve become accustomed to the parent deferring to the child. Contemporary parenting has gotten way off track. And when parents do attempt to take a leadership role, they often allow their child’s distress of the discipline or consequences to make them second-guess their own parenting decisions.”

Michele and Jim Aspinall will provide the tools and inspiration to grow responsible, emotionally resilient children. Good Character is learned in the home first and foremost. The three Rs of good citizenship –

Respect, Responsibility, and Resourcefulness are the bedrock of good Character. Hearing NO regularly helps children learn to postpone gratification, tolerate frustration, and set long-term goals, all necessary attributes of good citizenship. Children who learn these lessons early on are typically the most successful in school and throughout life.

CDS Parenting Video Series…

As each year passes, engaging families in Parent Education meetings becomes increasingly difficult. Bite-size videos have been the best fit for imparting imperative information. The below video series is an example of this.