Consultations and Workshops

Class Consultations

Observation of each of the classes in a school, followed by individual teacher meetings, a broader staff meeting, and a meeting with the administrative team to discuss strengths and make recommendations.


Travel to your school and present seminars addressing any subjects referred to on the overview and staff pages (AYM, art, parent communication, etc...). An additional follow-up visit for support and questions is also scheduled.

Consultation and Seminar Combination

Schools may also want to consider a combination of class consultations and seminars to address particular needs.

Making It All Work

Four-day consultation addresses classroom management, parent communication, and character development in the classroom. This program begins with three days of presentations and discussion of these topics, with the fourth day scheduled later in the year for support and questions. Attendance at these sessions will help teachers and schools move from survive to thrive. Little can be accomplished without sufficient skills in each of these three domains.

Phone Consultation

While I am always available for an initial conversation at no cost to advise schools at their request, teachers and members of an administrative team often seek more extensive help. This may be a more economical solution if the issue can be resolved without an on-site visit.

Presentation for Parents

Presentation for parent education on the topic of choice. Presentation one hour, Q and A an additional thirty minutes.


Learning in professional development requires support, repetition, and consistency. Fees have been structured to encourage this level of commitment.

Fee Structures (for consultation within the US)*

Consultations Involving a Single Visit to a School


Class Consultations involving more than one day, Seminars, or a Combination of Both

Initial visit number of days TBD, with follow-up visit later in the year or the following year.

Making It All Work (4 days)

Initial three-day consultation addressing class management, character development, and parent communication with follow-up visit later in the year or the following year. $4800

Phone Consultation

$150 per hour for up to four hours.

Parent Presentation

$250 for local schools. $1200 for presentations that involve overnight travel.

*Fees for consultations outside of the US are established on an individual case basis.

Consultation Content Possibilities:

  • Classroom Consultations

  • Teacher Mentoring

  • Classroom Management

  • Art

  • Science

  • Baking

  • Language

  • Sensorial Extensions

  • Practical Life

  • Assistant Training

  • Presentations for Parents

  • All Year Montessori

  • Parent Communication

  • Character Development

  • Developing the Kindergarten Leader